Create the Perfect CV in a few minutes

Select from hundreds of models and land your dream job now

Find the perfect resume

Exemple de modèle de CVs

Your online profile page accessible via qr code

QR code sur le CV

Scan this QR to see an example

Your own personal page with your CV is hosted and allows recruiters to contact you directly via a contact form.

Stay ahead of the curve,
stand out from the other candidates.


Unlimited resumes

Create and upload unlimited resumes from our hundreds of online templates

Cover letters

Download our unlimited cover letter templates to please recruiters

Job offers

We offer you the best job offers on the market (permanent, fixed term, internship, etc.).

Dedicated portfolio

Create your personalized page and share it easily with recruiters

Create the resume of your dreams for only $0.99

Access to unlimited resumes for 7 days then 29,90€ monthly

Unlimited CV creation, with access to numerous templates updated to recruiters' standards

Hosting of a profile page accessible via QR Code

Tool to help you find job ads

Tool to help you send applications